Rue Maritime 9, Nouadhibou, Mauritanie
Phone: (+222) 45 74 53 11 / (+222) 45 74 63 87



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Star fish - Comercialization - Logistics

Our departments: commercial, production and quality, are coordinated to prepare effectively the supplies to agree the customer requirements.

Star Fish manages the formalities to export the products to the target markets. Our company complies with the requirements of Customs of Mauritania, Mauritanian Society of Fish Marketing (SMCP), National Office of Health Inspection of Products of Fishing and Aquaculture of Mauritania (ONISPA).

Star Fish distributes fresh and frozen products by air and by land. We make sure that the travel conditions are right so that they arrive in the best condition to the destination. We check if appropriate temperature conditions are kept during transportation.

Transformation eand Conservation of Fish
Tel: + 222 45745311 - Fax: +222 45745198
B.P : 110 E-mail :
Zone Franche de Nouadhibou - Mauritanie